About Me

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Collinsville, OK, United States
Creating cool stuff - love making cards, scrap booking, altered art - just love getting creative!!

Sunday, November 15, 2009


Ok I know it's only been two days since my last post! Wow I am posting within two days instead of a week or a month!! It's cold and raining out side! Yucky day for sure!

I joined an online group called All things Tim! I went in an looked at the pics of what people have done and holy crap what was I thinking - these guys and gals are talented! Can I keep up? Will my stuff be good enough? ugh!

I saw many cool things and right away the wheels started spinning! I have so much stuff and ideas on the backburner that I need to get moving on them. It just seems there is not enough time during the weekend to make art! I am going to have to start prioritizing the things I want to do. I did join in on an ATC swap - boy howdy I started on it - have no idea when it is due but hey I am ahead of the game!! Here are some pics of what I started working on, mind you I may change my mind in the end and do something completely different!

Ok I can't upload pictures for some reason- anyone have any ideas why? I checked the faq's section and did what it said and still cannot upload???

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